Recording Detail
Jaroslaw Bester: bayan
Jaroslaw Tyrala: violin
Wojciech Front: double bass
Oleg Dyyak: percussion
Jorgos Skolias: vocal
Ireneusz Socha: computer instruments
Special Guests:
DAFO String Quartet
Danuta Augustyn: violin
Justyna Duda: violin
Aneta Dumanowska: viola
Anna Armatys: cello

Recorded and mixed by Aleksander Wilk at Studio 2002 in Krakow on 13, 19 February, 1 March 2006
Mastered by Scott Hull


Σημέρωμα σε βρήκα.
Αλλά μόνον στη μαύρη μοίρα μπήκα.
Ξημερωμα σε γυρευα, σε γύρευα,
Σε βρήκα μα δε με νοιαζει τι.
Μα δε με νοιαζει τι
Μα τωρα θα την πιασουμε.
Θα σε παρω και θα χασουμε.
Αμάν, θα σε βρω.


I found you during dawn
but I only entered into the black fate
I was looking for you at dawn,
I was looking for you; I found you
But I don't care what
but now we'll catch it
I will take you with me, and we will be lost
Aman, I will find you

Recordings with Lyrics
Recordings with Lyrics
Event Pieces
Event Pieces

This site is not affiliated with John Zorn or Tzadik. These are the ravings of an obsessed fan. If you have comments or questions, you can reach me at Thanks!